
  • Photo by: Paolo Nicolello

    The Couch

    While living in Chile my husband and I decided to splurge and treat ourselves with a brand new couch, very exciting… except for when it arrived we then realized it wasn’t going to fit through the front door of our fourth floor apartment. It is a chunky couch but it never crossed our minds to actually take measurements before purchasing. My first to-go place for help was facebook and guess what?  “ Yo te lo subo” (translated from Spanish “I’ll take it up”) is  a bunch of very clever firemen that are making a killing (when they’re not putting out fires) using ropes and all the climbing gear and skill…

  • Design

    …And there was light!

    I’ve been so intrigued lately by the concept of LIGHT.  One of the first things I look for when house hunting is how much light comes into each room.  It’s a priority for me to live in a place that has plenty of sunlight or daylight . It’s almost like oxygen!  If you are anything like me, my mood changes with the weather!!  No, seriously!  You’ll notice it in the spring in my step (or lack of it) throughout the day. I’m not too keen on grey winter days but I’ve come to appreciate them, for one needs hot-chocolate-and-movies-kinda-days to slow our busy lives. Lighting is one of the most…