
“Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.” – Anthony Bourdain

  • Food,  Home

    An Afternoon With Mo

    The rainy season started early this year and for the past 2 weeks we’ve hadmajor storms in our area. When it rains in Guanacaste, it’s like natures’s cue to thrive, a real beautiful sight. It’s also a time to stay indoors and cook! Mo invited me to spend an afternoon in the kitchen while he prepares an Indian banquet for a bunch of friends the next day. He warns me, “ It will be very hands-on”. And I’m ready and excited! There’s nothing better than an afternoon in the kitchen during a summer storm. My friend Mo and I share this amazing love for food, especially Indian Cuisine. We could…

  • Food,  Home,  Reader's Recipes

    Simply take a photograph of your creation and tell me why you love the recipe. email it to: Your recipe will feature on the Blog’s Home Page and will be in the Reader’s Recipes collection. ….Just another way to share the looooove….

  • Food,  Home

    Quarantine in the Kitchen

    We love food in our home and during this pandemic we’ve tried new recipes, dusted some old classics and have also become improv experts in the kitchen. Zoom cooking classes with family have become a highlight and such fun times! Social media too, has had a huge influx of food-related posts. From sourdough to whipped coffee recipes, cooking has become a new hobby for many. mentioned that “63% of 13-39-year-olds are cooking more at home because of Coronavirus, and 40% say they’re regularly cooking and baking in their free time for pleasure.” Bread baking has become so popular! Some call it Stress Baking, I think it’s a great coping…

  • Food

    My Tortilla Española

    Eggs have got to be the coolest of ingredients in the kitchen! Humble and rich, perfectly shaped, delicate powerhouses, nature’s superfood. They are a staple in my home and our lives wouldn’t be the same without them. They are so essential that when we go shopping, eggs are always checked last at the cashier because they always go on top! There’s a feeling of satisfaction when they’re all finally safe home. Anyways, these days of confinement, our shopping outings are limited and we seem to live on quick, simple, healthy recipes. This one doesn’t require too many ingredients and you can add whatever is in your fridge. This recipe is…

  • Food

    Kefta Mkaouara

    My love for cooking and meal times around the table began at the age of 12. Growing up in Morocco, where tradition and culture are deeply anchored in food, I very quickly became a fan of spices and bold flavors. One of my fondest memories is going to the souk with my parents. Farmers came once a week and set up their stalls at the empty lot a short ride from our house. Apart from fruits and vegetables you could find just about anything at the souk : packaged foods, cooking items, clothing, electronics, car parts, fresh meat and fish, even a dentist…you name it! We’d pay close to nothing…

  • Food

    Mango Chutney

    This is one of my recent favorite recipes! I am fascinated by how you can use vinegar, sugar and spices to create the perfect balance. Chutney is an important component in the Indian cuisine. I was first introduced to Chutney in South Africa. It’s a tart-sweet sauce made of fruit such as apple, apricot, mango, dates etc. It is served in small quantities to supplement other items in the meal and like pickles, it contributes basic taste, that may be missing otherwise. Actor and chef Tara Deshpande says, “In many parts of India, chutney is a way to use up leftover ingredients, to enjoy seasonal ones, and, to use cheap…