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  • Food,  Home

    An Afternoon With Mo

    The rainy season started early this year and for the past 2 weeks we’ve hadmajor storms in our area. When it rains in Guanacaste, it’s like natures’s cue to thrive, a real beautiful sight. It’s also a time to stay indoors and cook! Mo invited me to spend an afternoon in the kitchen while he prepares an Indian banquet for a bunch of friends the next day. He warns me, “ It will be very hands-on”. And I’m ready and excited! There’s nothing better than an afternoon in the kitchen during a summer storm. My friend Mo and I share this amazing love for food, especially Indian Cuisine. We could…

  • Here&Now,  Home

    The Waiting Room

    We’ve all spent an important amount of our precious time in the waiting room. That room that is specifically designed for waiting. Interesting thing how we are totally ok with arriving to a place and expect to be sent off to the waiting room, no questions asked or complaints. But why do we struggle so much when in our life journey we find ourselves waiting?? I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m always waiting for something. Waiting for that phone call, waiting for time to pass, waiting for that approval, waiting for season 5 (Oh come on, admit it, you’re also waiting to see if Abby and…

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    You Mean Colors Have Temperatures????

    Eh Yep…Whether you have a flair for color or have trouble matching your outfits, we all respond to color. In fact, color is a powerful communicator and will influence your mood. Imagine yourself walking into a very yellow sitting room. All walls painted in an intense yellow.  How does it make you feel?  It might feel happy and warm, but it will make your eyes tired since it reflects a huge amount of light. You might start feeling frustrated or angry and energetic all at once. Each color will influence your emotions differently. That’s why color is a great tool in sales and interior design. Is there a room in…

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    Chilli Con Carne

    Beans are a staple in Latin America and so many other countries. They are delicious, incredibly healthy, inexpensive and you can cook it them many ways. We often enjoyed them in our home growing up. The red chilli in this recipe is the happy ingredient. Known for its pungency it bring all the other ingredients together into one solid dish. This particular recipe is a fun favorite in my home. Its origin is disputed, but I personally go by the theory of it being Texan. I can just about believe that in all those wild wild west cowboy days when the rough-looking cowboys  were sitting by the fire all along…

  • Food,  Home,  Reader's Recipes

    Simply take a photograph of your creation and tell me why you love the recipe. email it to: xiomi@blessedbeyondsocks.com. Your recipe will feature on the Blog’s Home Page and will be in the Reader’s Recipes collection. ….Just another way to share the looooove….

  • Food,  Home

    Quarantine in the Kitchen

    We love food in our home and during this pandemic we’ve tried new recipes, dusted some old classics and have also become improv experts in the kitchen. Zoom cooking classes with family have become a highlight and such fun times! Social media too, has had a huge influx of food-related posts. From sourdough to whipped coffee recipes, cooking has become a new hobby for many. YPulse.com mentioned that “63% of 13-39-year-olds are cooking more at home because of Coronavirus, and 40% say they’re regularly cooking and baking in their free time for pleasure.” Bread baking has become so popular! Some call it Stress Baking, I think it’s a great coping…

  • Here&Now,  Home

    In Times of Isolation

    I’ve always been a home body so I keep busy and I actually enjoy just being in my space. However, three weeks into it and the extrovert in me is getting a little bored. It’s midday here in Costa Rica and so far I’ve had three Zoom meetings, one WhatsApp call, a few voice message interactions, and I could go on….I could almost ignore lunch just to keep interacting with familiar faces!    We are living interesting times and in my perspective I have to say,  good times.  I don’t want to brush through that statement lightly for I do know of the effects the virus is having on us…