• Here&Now

    …That Feeling

    On our honeymoon we went to San Andres, an  island in Colombia on the caribbean.  We love the sea, and it’s one of the reasons we now live just a short walk away from the beach. We decided to do the short diving course that the hotel offered, we thought it would be a nice activity to do together as newlyweds. After a session of diving theory we got to practice in a natural pool with all the gear. All this, to lead up to an excursion on the open sea to explore life 24 meters underwater. I have my respect for the sea. When I was small, I almost…

  • Photo by: Paolo Nicolello

    The Couch

    While living in Chile my husband and I decided to splurge and treat ourselves with a brand new couch, very exciting… except for when it arrived we then realized it wasn’t going to fit through the front door of our fourth floor apartment. It is a chunky couch but it never crossed our minds to actually take measurements before purchasing. My first to-go place for help was facebook and guess what?  “ Yo te lo subo” (translated from Spanish “I’ll take it up”) is  a bunch of very clever firemen that are making a killing (when they’re not putting out fires) using ropes and all the climbing gear and skill…

  • Food

    My Tortilla Española

    Eggs have got to be the coolest of ingredients in the kitchen! Humble and rich, perfectly shaped, delicate powerhouses, nature’s superfood. They are a staple in my home and our lives wouldn’t be the same without them. They are so essential that when we go shopping, eggs are always checked last at the cashier because they always go on top! There’s a feeling of satisfaction when they’re all finally safe home. Anyways, these days of confinement, our shopping outings are limited and we seem to live on quick, simple, healthy recipes. This one doesn’t require too many ingredients and you can add whatever is in your fridge. This recipe is…

  • Here&Now,  Home

    In Times of Isolation

    I’ve always been a home body so I keep busy and I actually enjoy just being in my space. However, three weeks into it and the extrovert in me is getting a little bored. It’s midday here in Costa Rica and so far I’ve had three Zoom meetings, one WhatsApp call, a few voice message interactions, and I could go on….I could almost ignore lunch just to keep interacting with familiar faces!    We are living interesting times and in my perspective I have to say,  good times.  I don’t want to brush through that statement lightly for I do know of the effects the virus is having on us…

  • Food

    Kefta Mkaouara

    My love for cooking and meal times around the table began at the age of 12. Growing up in Morocco, where tradition and culture are deeply anchored in food, I very quickly became a fan of spices and bold flavors. One of my fondest memories is going to the souk with my parents. Farmers came once a week and set up their stalls at the empty lot a short ride from our house. Apart from fruits and vegetables you could find just about anything at the souk : packaged foods, cooking items, clothing, electronics, car parts, fresh meat and fish, even a dentist…you name it! We’d pay close to nothing…

  • Travel

    A Love Discovered

    One random day we get a call from our dear friend Aakash. He announces that he is finally getting married and we must buy tickets to attend his wedding which will be held in his little hometown in the south of India.  We can’t even pronounce the name of the town but we start our research with Aakash’s guidance on how to get there. We finally find a route and start planning our trip. A few months before his call, Aakash came to visit.  He spoke about wanting to get married in the next few months. I was so curious to know how this love story came about. “I think…

  • Food

    Mango Chutney

    This is one of my recent favorite recipes! I am fascinated by how you can use vinegar, sugar and spices to create the perfect balance. Chutney is an important component in the Indian cuisine. I was first introduced to Chutney in South Africa. It’s a tart-sweet sauce made of fruit such as apple, apricot, mango, dates etc. It is served in small quantities to supplement other items in the meal and like pickles, it contributes basic taste, that may be missing otherwise. Actor and chef Tara Deshpande says, “In many parts of India, chutney is a way to use up leftover ingredients, to enjoy seasonal ones, and, to use cheap…